Photo by Alexis Quesada

Camila Lim-Hing


Camila is a Chinese-Hispanic multi-media artist based in Brooklyn, New York. They have been consistently doing ceramics since 2014, partaking in both hand building and wheel throwing, integrating functionality, sculpture, and painting. Their work focuses on exploring belonging in a queer and multi-ethnic community. She received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Central Florida in Anthropology with a minor in Studio Art in 2020.

Photo by Alexis Quesada


Photo by Maryam Saad



Do you take commissions?

My commissions are currently closed, but keep an eye on my instagram for when I reopen them!

How do I buy something?

I do small batch releases almost every month under the ‘shop’ tab and will update my instagram when I know the date of the next one.

What materials do you use?

I use Standard 240 and 186 stoneware and 365 porcelain clay. I also use Spectrum and Amaco underglazes.

Can I microwave/dish wash a piece?

All pieces are food, microwave, and dishwasher safe, unless otherwise stated. Raku pieces are none of the above and are to be used as decorative/plant pots only! Sleepy pots should be washed by hand with care. As with any glass/ceramic piece, heating it up and then bumping it or putting it on a cold surface poses risk to cracking/chipping.